Calconditioner descales your combination boiler
Removing Limescale from the (Combination) Boiler
Hard water causes limescale buildup on the heat exchanger of every combi boiler, water heater, and – increasingly popular – heat pump. Limescale conducts heat about 400 times less efficiently than copper, creating a blockage for the heat flow. As a result, the water heats up less, takes longer to reach the desired temperature, or delivers less hot water per minute. This additional time the boiler spends heating can increase by up to 25%, which is essentially a waste of energy. Calconditioner removes old limescale and prevents new limescale from forming, restoring your boiler’s original efficiency. It’s never too late to start.

Limescale causes blockages in your boiler’s heat exchanger. Although the combination boiler still works, its efficiency is much lower than before. Now the boiler has to run longer and harder to heat the water to the desired temperature. And let’s be honest, having your drinking water pass through a scaled-up heat exchanger is not a pleasant thought. People often see limescale on their faucets and showerheads and think that’s the only problem caused by hard water, but the real issue lies in the pipes and appliances.
The Calconditioner prevents limescale buildup and removes existing limescale layer by layer from appliances. It’s never too late to start using it! Within six months to two years, all appliances, heat exchangers, and pipes are guaranteed to be clean. The Calconditioner descaler is also a good investment that pays for itself quickly. You can save up to 50% on cleaning products, up to 30% on energy, and avoid costly repairs. For an average family, these savings can amount to hundreds of euros per year.

We all strive for a better environment. But when it gets colder, we use much more energy. Calconditioner helps make appliances more efficient by removing the insulating layer of limescale. This allows water to heat up faster, resulting in a 30% reduction in the energy bill. Good for the environment and for the household budget. And, not unimportantly, lower energy usage = better energy label = higher resale value of a home.
Check out our store, the cost is very reasonable.